A registered non-profit, the Hendrick Foundation’s mission is to protect the natural environment and encourage appreciation of the natural surroundings by curating access for all.

The Foundation fosters social interactivity among Hendrick Farm residents, the Hendrick Farm Village, and the public at large, by providing access to the lands as well as building and maintaining recreational infrastructure on the land that is owned and governed by the Hendrick Foundation.

This land includes the large five-acre Hendrick Foundation Garden located at the heart of the community, Hendrick Park’s acres of forested park, trails, and gathering spaces, as well as a forested dog park and the Hendrick Park Natural Playground.

One per cent of all Hendrick Farm home sales in perpetuity will directly support the Hendrick Foundation’s sustainable maintenance and creation of these public spaces.


The Hendrick Foundation Garden is a beautiful 5-acre green space located at the heart of the community. It includes agricultural components throughout, as well as spaces for resident-led initiatives.

Two distinct orchards provide beautiful blooms in the spring and a variety of fruits from cherries to pears. In the eastern section, a large raspberry patch can be found along the south edge of the space, while the southern garden area also features a large swath of space dedicated to native wildflowers.

Current resident-led initiatives on the land include a chicken coop, beehives, a monarch waystation, and a community garden with over 70 plots that are made available to both residents and the greater Chelsea community.

You can learn more about the Foundation’s amenities and community projects on their website.


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